Diagnose teaching
and learning situations
Multiple contexts available.
Trainieren Sie Ihre diagnostischen with ViviAn now.
ViviAn 3.0 steht in den Startlöchern! Eine neue Version von ViviAn mit vielen neuen Funktionen und Möglichkeiten wird in den Semesterferien des Wintersemesters 2025 veröffentlicht. Weitere Informationen und Trailer folgen in den nächsten Monaten!
Lehr-Lern-Situationen situations
Authentische Informationen zur Situation erhalten
Validate with expert diagnoses
What is ViviAn?
With our video tool ViviAn "Video vignettes for the analysis of teaching and learning processes" we offer pre- and in-service teachers the opportunity to train their diagnostic skills based on authentic teaching and learning situations. . „Videovignetten zur Analyse von Unterrichtsprozessen“ bieten wir Lehramtsstudierenden, Referendarinnen und Referendaren sowie Lehrkräften die Möglichkeit, ihre diagnostischen Fähigkeiten anhand von authentischen Unterrichtssituationen zu trainieren.
In addition to the video showing a specific teaching-learning situation, we provide further materials (e.g., learning objectives, tasks, learning products, etc.). The additional information can be accessed at any time alongside the video. Based on guiding diagnostic tasks, the participants deal intensively with the situation and thus link their acquired pedagogical content knowledge with practical experiences
What makes ViviAn unique?
Our platform ensures a high level of authenticity through the combination of high-quality videos, helpful materials and multiple validated expert diagnoses for each individual situation. As a result, participants have access to similar information as teachers in the classroom.